alina Ştefănescu

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And so it begins...

The writer lights a candle lays a remaining fragment from Niobe by Aeschylus near its wick:

Alone of gods, Death has no use for gifts 
Libations don't help you, nor does sacrifice
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
He is not amenable to persuasion.

The writer stares at the clock and checks herself for ticks.

The writer thinks about vampires and roadmaps and something Dimitris Lyacos once said in an interview: “The totality of our texts are mutually meta-fictional. They always reflect themselves and each other, they are parts, or aggregates, of other textual fields, and you have to cross those fields in order to get where you want to go.”

The writer presses PLAY.

All of this is just to say: Slicing up eyeballs I want you to know | | | I will be in Los Angeles for the anti-reading later this month, and likely doing a few book signings as well— which may appear on the trusty web calendar if I remember to update it. | | | I will be at the NOLA Poetry Festival in April and celebrate another year around the sun while I am there, which may or may not involve reading in a water fountain or a tree or ruinscape. | | | I will also be in NYC for almost a week at the end of April, where I get to read with some of my favorite humans and also possibly fork about and maybe read elsewhere as well. I don’t know enough about fountains and trees in NYC but there are some divine, rinky-dinky swan-shaped boats in Prospect Park that caught my eye as a wonderful locus for Swann-songs last time I visited and perhaps something will come of this. | | | On May 8th, in Birmingham, Alabama, I will be involved in officially launching My Heresies from a safe and well-loved indie bookstore aptly named Thank You Books, and located less than five miles away from home, which may or may not end with an after-party elsewhere. | | | If you would like for me to be somewhere, whether in the air, on a screen, or in a city, just send me an email at myheresies at gmail. It’s an honor to be emailed, read, considered, and imagined into existence by the reader. More on the book, itself, soon. Sarabande is currently hiring for a few positions, so thank you to everyone for their patience and here is a tiny skeleton, and my abundant gratitude to all who preorder this creature. For best or worse, til death or the book do us part.