The Moment I Mute Myself (The Shanghai Literary Review) forthcoming
Non-canonical Screw (The Shanghai Literary Review) forthcoming
Portrait of Hegel’s Wife in Treble (Paraselene)
Dream for Christina (Ocean State Review)
Dwarf fruit, from series titled ‘Notes from a Damaged Life’ (Ocean State Review)
Email with Subject Line Suffering (Hog River Press)
Apostrophe in Storm (American Poetry Review)
Poem with a Line from an Asterisk on page 15 of Marguerite Yourcenar’s Dark Brain of Piranesi (Iterant)
The Year I Intended to Crusoe Myself (Iterant)
Why the Revolution Sits Beside a Willow and Braids Its Own Hair (Iterant)
After Performing a Beckett Skit with My Partner (Iterant)
Aubade After a Week of Studying Piranesi (Provincetown Arts Magazine)
Cacotopia (Gigantic Sequins, Issue 14)
“All this is a continuation of the lie, but . . . if I remain consistent, it comes close to the truth… ”: A poem found in Kafka’s notebooks, as translated by Benjamin Ross (Brooklyn Rail)
Mysterium, As Engraved on Pope’s Tiara until the Reformation (Ballast Journal)
The Octave’s Creation Myth (Ballast Journal)
Poem to First Love (The Hoosac Institute)
Dear B— would that you hadn't unlatched the symbols (The Hoosac Institute)
Of Dignity (The Hoosac Institute)
"of barbershop pomade” (The Broadkill Review)
“Will I ever think of someone who isn’t a person?” (The Broadkill Review)
Viaticum (Copihue)
Celibidache, Your Mahler Has Followed Me (Copihue)
Extraordinary Premises (Copihue)
Poets in the Clinic Parking Lot After their Abortions (Just Place)
“Man Shot with Own Gun During Confrontation in Center Point” (Just Place)
On the Death of the Day of the Bear (Copper Nickel)
Portrait of Single Mother with Single Hazel Eye (Mumber Magazine)
Light Does This / Exposing (Border Crossing) —Nominated for Best of the Net 2022
5 poems (Spoon River Poetry Review, Issue 46.2 Winter 2021)
3 poems (Identity Theory)—-Nominated for Best of the Net 2022
sky in the other language (Ilanot Review)
The Home is Six Hens Which Never Lay Eggs (Five South) —Nominated for Pushcart Prize 2022
”Du bout de la pensée” (Air/Light Magazine)
“Andante Emasculata” (Air/Light Magazine)
”Andanta con scratchy (as tuning up)” (Air/Light Magazine)
“Sur la langue”(Sublunary Review)
”Lebhaft. Marschmaessig” (Sublunary Review)
”De manière à obtenir un creux” (Sublunary Review)
”Pour charmer le gibier” (Sublunary Review)
"Allegro energico, ma non troppo. Heftig, aber markig" (River Mouth Review)
Daily, I Cat-Call the Dead (Frontier Poetry)
The Song in My I (Pleiades)
Little Time (Pleiades)
3 poems from the 43 Infra-noir objects series (Poetry at Sangam)
my father explains why they left me behind when defecting (Counterclock)
”S-ar putea crede..." (Counterclock)
When Called Away From the Ghost Commune By Howls (Counterclock)
On the Sidewalk, Something Winged It (Blood Tree Literature)
“Poem for the Black Bird” (Poetry)
Ode to Something Elusive (Kenyon Review)
Byline, Be Sky (Kenyon Review) —-selected by Poetry Daily for November 27, 2021
3 poems (BOMB Magazine)
If There Are Two Forms of Leaving and One Includes Village Fiddlers (Birdcoat Quarterly)
I Nominate the Magnolia As Sexiest Tree (Couplet Poetry)
I Nominate the Linden to Continue Its Service As Tree of Longing & Aromatic Futility (Couplet Poetry)
The Smallest House Is A Situation (Twyckenham Notes) — 2nd Place, Jon Bolton Poetry Prize 2020
Chamber Tone Poem (Twyckenham Notes)
So You Must Find a Way To Believe Me (Twyckenham Notes)
Tonight As You Pace the Garden (Verdad Magazine)
Among the Lichenologists (LEON Literary Review)
My Heart Like a Keg Stand (LEON Literary Review)
Maggie, We Keep Driving (Moist Poetry Journal) —Nominated for Best of the Net 2021
Walter Benjamin’s Warning (Digging Press)
Why One Cloud is Kin to Not Liking (Cincinnati Review) —-Nominated for 2020 Best of the Nest
My Heart Like That Dress I Lost (The Cortland Review)
Wait for It (Asheville Poetry Review)
Self-Portrait With Descendants of Things (House Mountain Review)
The Sound of Ribs Is / A Wren’s Nest (Leavings)
Think Piece (Fjord’s Review)
“Red Chair with Potential” and “The Krakow Nude” (Dishsoap Quarterly)
First Crush (The Maine Review) —- Nominated for 2020 Pushcart Prize
My Mom & Her Monks (Barren Magazine, Issue 15/16) — Nominated for 2020 Pushcart Prize
Men Say the Strangest Things To Me (Poet Lore) — Nominated for 2019 Pushcart Prize
Intensely, At Something (The Mississippi Review, Summer 2020) — Finalist for the Mississippi Review Poetry Prize
“Proper Fugue” (River Heron Review)
Winner of the 2019 River Heron Review Poetry Prize
“Things They Carried” (Southern Humanities Review)
Nominated for 2019 Pushcart Prize
"I Could Not Explain the Abortion without Referencing Smaller Things" (Cloudbank)
Nominated for Pushcart Prize 2017
“Children, I” (Public Poetry 2019 Prize Anthology)
Finalist for 2019 Public Poetry Prize
“About Last Night (And the Others)” (Public Poetry 2019 Prize Anthology)
2nd Runner-Up for 2019 Public Poetry Prize
“Fear Has No Hospice” (Streetlight Magazine)
Finalist for the 2019 Streetlight Poetry Prize
“Cosmology I” (Exit 7)
Nominated for 2019 Pushcart Prize
“Alabama, I Knew” (phoebe journal)
Finalist for the 2019 Greg Grummer Poetry Contest
“In This Blood, A Lush Cotillion” (Wandering Aengus Press)
Nominated for Pushcart 2019
“In Manole’s Orchard: A Re-Visioning of the Romanian Legend” (The Blue Nib)
“Sabotage” (The Citron Review)
Nominated for Best of the Net 2019
”After Reading the Family Hate Mail” (8 Poems)
“Sweetness of Alabama Femme” (Rogue Agent)
“Pickled Plums” (Pocket Samovar, Issue One)
”I Keep Flashing Back” (Pocket Samovar, Issue One)
”Facts About Stalin’s Daughter” (Pocket Samovar, Issue One)
“That Old Covered Bridge Over the Cahaba” (Juke Joint)
“After Moving Back to Alabama” (West Trestle Review)
“Today We Are Archaeologists” and ”Self-Portrait With Lost Marble” (Aboveground Press Spotlight Series, Sept. 2020)
“Akhmatova’s Gun” (Porter House Review)
“Me to the Poem At the Warehouse” (Apofenie)
“Poem for Lena Constante, Itself” (Apofenie)
“The Strength of That Shaft” (Love’s Executive Order, 10 July 2020)
“On the Second Day In Transylvania” (Journal Nine)
“Reapt” (EcoTheo Review,)
“Grim Pilgriming” (New World Writing)
”Confession Reserved for Zagajewski’s ‘Illustrious Caesura” (New World Writing)
”Housemaid’s Knee” (New World Writing)
”With My Head Leaning Over the Side of This” (New World Writing)
“Your Quaint Conceit” (DIALOGIST, May 2020)
“An Intense Sense of Victimization” (The Chattahoochee Review, Vol. 40)
“Sins of the Fathers” (Crosswinds Poetry Journal Vol. 4)
“Poet Laureate of the Landfill” (Scalawag)
“Safe For Impatiens”,“What My Sweetheart Said About Violence”, and “Deep Fake” (Qwerty)
“Beggared” and “In Case Sanda Ungureanu Comes Over” (Cagibi)
”Bootstrap Testimonial” (Reach of Song Anthology, Georgia Poetry Society)
“14 Monostichs Make a Fruitcake” (Guest Anthology, Vol. 2)
“Unamerican Litany” (North American Review)
“I : Say : Thread” (Crab Creek Review)
“Lust Is Grief” (Virga)
“My Polish Child” (Whale Road Review)
“Reading Canned Tomato Labels and Wanting To Die” (Gold Wake Live)
”Winn Dixie Parking Lot” (On the Seawall)
“I Cut My Hair in the Community Garden” (Sinking City Magazine)
“Sul ponticello” (Prairie Schooner)
“Women At Forty, Etc,” (Ink & Nebula)
“Against the Permanence of Portraits, We Posed Snapshots” (Free State Review)
“Three Ways of Waking” (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“The First Time His Face Does It” (Bomb Cyclone)
“Something Malnourished in Our Hands” (Trampset)
“Liberty Leading the People” (Rise Up Review)
“The Poem, Afraid” (Burning House Press)
”The Mother Test No One Talks About” (Burning House Press)
“Ravage” (Empty Mirror)
“What I Sought in Bucharest, Summer of 1990” (Empty Mirror)
“Scene From a Birmingham Diner Rated Four Stars By Zagat” (SWWIM)
“At Rodin’s House” (Qu)
“L5-S1” (Soft Cartel)
”Avian Years" (Profane Journal)
"Bankhead At Midnight" (Red Mud Review)
"I Didn't, I Won't, I'm Done" (Uppagus)
"Morning After Seeing the Declaration of Independence" (Iron Horse Literary Review)
"To My Lovers" (Open Letters Monthly)
"Why I Like Complicated Positions" (b)OINK)
"yellow stains 1” and "yellow stains 2" (Volt)
4 poems from a modified sonnet corona (Flag + Void)
"Blestem" + "Pastoral with Red Smudge" (Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review)
“6 Things You Can’t Give Up” (Gone Lawn)
”Minor Ninth” (Mantis)
“Things You Must Do Without Reminder” (Sweet Tree Review)
"At the Buddhist Poetry Reading" and "Marital Milestone" (FLOCK)
"Listen to Me, Maria Calciu!" (Cider Press Review)
"first love, forte 'til finale" (Speaking of Marvels)
"fondles" (Journal of Compressed Creative Arts)
"How To Not Say and Keep Saying" (Whimperbang)
"In the Middling Alabama" (Lunch Ticket)
"On a November Night" (Cacti Fur)
"Separate Bumper Stickers" (By&By Poetry)
"Doinas" (Pif Magazine)
6 letters to Arthur Rimbaud (Lockjaw)
"The Car Yet to Come" (Forage)
"The Day After You Died in Amsterdam" (Softblow)
"To You Whom I Fail" (Red Paint Hill Poetry Journal)
"two cars" (Ghost City Review)
"zelotipie" (visceral brooklyn)
"oh lacrimosa" (Tower Journal)
”poignant” and “me and razvan petrescu” and “me and norman manea” (small po[r]tions press)
"Ghostless" (Atrocity Exhibition)
"While Being Painted" (Negative Capability Press)
"Between One Refugee and Another" (Spilled Milk)
Nominated for Best of the Net 2017
"Lexicon for Foreign Love" (Pidgeonholes)
Best of the Net Nomination 2016
"i watch dishes" (Third Point Press)
Best of the Net Nomination, 2014
"Analytic Posturing", a series of four survey poems (the NewerYork)
Runner-up in tNY Press 2014 Bureaucratic Lit Contest
"first love and i'm a liar" (Ghost Proposal)