Without even a morsel of irony, in the year 2025, various thinkers and authors continue to indict the mothers of Rainer Maria Rilke and Oscar Wilde for ‘traumatically’ dressing their sons in 'effeminate clothing' a bit longer than was conventional, thus causing untold 'gender issues' and/or sexual 'confusions'.
It is said that poetess and Irish activist Lady Wilde dressed Oscar like a girl because she had wanted a daughter rather than another son.
It is said that Rilke's mother completely destroyed his masculinity.
It is said that the mothers damn the sons to be 'pansies' if they kiss them too often in those formative early years.
It is said that Beckett said all this misery of ours will wind up as 'an old whore walking around in an absurd raincoat, on a lonely dike in the rain'.
Source: Victorian Web. Oscar Wilde as a child being irrevocably tormented by his mother.
Rainer Maria Rilke as a child, being destroyed by his mother.